JANUARY 17-18, 2025

Weekend Retreat: Becoming Who We Are

Join us for a transformative weekend retreat designed to deepen your relationship with God and unlock your true identity in Christ. This immersive experience will explore key aspects of faith, identity, and spiritual formation through personal stories, biblical teachings, and practical exercises. Equip yourself with the tools and insights needed to grow spiritually and walk in the fullness of your identity in Christ.


  • Guided Instruction

    This retreat offers a unique blend of therapy and theology, providing soul care that mirrors the depth and impact of personal counseling. Over the weekend, you’ll embark on a transformative journey of spiritual formation, guided by Annie Edwards.

    Each session is crafted to engage both heart and mind, offering tools for spiritual and emotional healing. We invite the Holy Spirit to come and do transformative work from the inside out, assisting you in making sense of your personal story and its place in God’s greater plan. As you delve into biblical truths, you’ll gain clarity and freedom, leading to a deeper understanding of your identity in Christ and facilitating profound inner renewal.

  • Community

    You’ll have the opportunity to connect with women from diverse backgrounds, sharing stories and experiences in a supportive environment. Group discussions will take place in smaller groups of 5-8 participants, allowing for intimate conversations about how personal struggles and triumphs relate to your faith. These discussions foster deep connections and blend therapeutic wisdom with biblical insights. Build lasting friendships and experience shared healing. As C.S. Lewis said, “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one!’” Find mutual support and encouragement on your transformative journey.

  • Redemptive Storytelling

    During this retreat, you'll engage in "Redemptive Storytelling," a practice that examines your personal narrative and key experiences shaping your life and faith. By mapping out significant moments, you’ll uncover how past experiences influence current behaviors and beliefs. This process helps you understand how your experiences and faith intertwine, revealing the impact of deeply ingrained beliefs. Through guided exercises and reflection, you’ll reinterpret your story through God’s grace and redemption, integrating therapeutic techniques with biblical insights. Prepare to map your journey, embrace healing, and experience transformation through God's compassionate perspective.


Expand the list items for a detailed description of each session of the retreat.

  • Dive into the profound impact of our perception of God on our lives. Discover how childhood experiences shape our view of God and learn to dismantle distorted images. Uncover the infinite and loving nature of God, and see how a proper understanding of His character can transform your spiritual journey.

  • Reflect on how you see yourself and confront the voices and lies that distort your self-image. We’ll revisit the Garden of Eden to understand the roots of our shame and hiding, finding freedom in being fully known and loved by God. Embrace the transformative power of being clothed in Christ’s righteousness.

  • Understand the importance of repentance, learn to take every thought captive to Christ, and identify and dismantle strongholds. Discover the power of spiritual weapons to overcome the enemy’s lies and stand firm in your faith.


Embark on this weekend journey to deepen your spiritual life, understand your true identity in Christ, and cultivate an intimate relationship with God. Equip yourself to live out your faith more fully and confidently, experiencing the profound joy and fulfillment that come from knowing who you are in Christ.

Interested in hosting a retreat or event at your church or organization? Contact us!